Christian Pineda
Period # 2
Many people are discriminated against by others. It’s so hard to live every day knowing that someone is going to say something bad about you. African Americans and Hispanics are always being harassed. Many of these people work really hard and sometimes company’s hire them and they do the work for less money. Other people get laid off and have no where to work.
Discrimination is an atrocious gesture that occurs worldwide. There are two types of discrimination, they are social and categorically race. The declaration of human rights strongly preserves the dignity of all humanity, authoritatively denouncing. Many people are treated really bad all he time and it happens in many different places. For example many people didn’t want Obama to be president just because he was black and it was going to be an abomination.
Discrimination is another way to show ignorance in society. It is unjust and unconstitutional just because it violates the equal rights amendments. In this last century it has been a major transformation in moving forward towards eliminating all forms of different discriminations. From what I have heard of, in Arizona the still discriminate no matter what race u are or where u come from.
Therefore, discrimination is never going to disappear and I say that because it always been around but not as bad as it use to be. I hope that when I have a family and my kids get older they understand not to discriminate against other races. Its always going to be with us and its only going change if we change our ways. That’s all that I know about discrimination.
i wouldn't say that discrimination is a way to show ignorance in society,i would say that society so ignorant it uses discrimination as an excuse!