Alicia P.
Period 5
April 18, 2012
My Mom
My mom is from Nayarit, Mix. “The economy of the region is heavily dependent on agriculture. The main crops are corn (maize), beans, sorghum, tobacco, chile, mangos and avocados. There is a modest cattle herd as well as swine and poultry”(Wikipedia) She is about to be 50b yrs old and she’s a person who I know a lot of stories about cause overnight before I go to bed she would tell me stories about when she was and that way ill fall asleep.
She tells me how they didn’t have much in Mexico and made the best living out of the little they had like they wouldn’t have make up so she would get a colored flower and rub it on her cheek for blush. For water she would have to walk to a well and take water out from there also to wash clothes she had to go to a river next to her house and kneel and wash it there, they had cows for milking and freeze it to make cheese.
My mom also told me she would also have to walk a mile of dirt to get to her school and cross a big river and pay a man to take her across. And when it would be flooded she would have to go through a bridge where a train passed risking her life.
She was very polite and happy girl and very sociable and she liked to volunteer in schools and also help people read and write, everything she would learn in school she would teach it to the poor people in her ranch. Till this day I look up to my mom as a strong had working woman.
Acaponeta, Wikipedia, 25 November 2011, Web.
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