Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Domestic Violence

Martha G.
English 11B
March 19,2012

Domestic Violence

When my mom was about 15 years old she was scared of her dad. Her dad was an alcoholic and used to smoke cigars, and every time he would come home drunk every one in their house would either not say a thing or hide, and the only time he would actually be happy is when his kids would make money or not be around.

There is actually one time that my mom and her sister went out and they went home late. My aunt was two years older than my mom so she was 17. She had told my mom that she had meet this guy and they started dating. She told her mom as well and her dad over heard their conversation and he walked to my aunt and he hit her as hard as he could and he called her a whore and told her that she will never get out of the house my mom saw and she ran to go hide.
“Abuses include name-calling or put downs, keeping your loved ones from contacting anyone, keeping their money and intimidation”(CCG).
My grandfather is a really abusive person, taking advantage of his little ones. “One of every two families is involved in domestic violence at some time. Domestic violence is a repetitive pattern in people’s lives. Victims or witnesses of domestic violence in childhood are mostly likely to repeat such acts as adults”(CCG). I don’t think its right especially since he only did that to his daughters. My mom’s brothers knew of this happening but they were just too scared to say anything to anyone they were just traumatized. 

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