Alyssa A.
Period 2
May 23, 2011
How would you respond to people who say that unauthorized immigrants don’t deserve a path to citizenship because they are breaking the law by coming and staying here?
I would agree with whoever said that because immigrants are breaking laws and they come here expecting a better life but because of them the economy is going bad. They are taking all of the real citizens jobs. United States citizen’s needs should come before the immigrants. We have lived here all our lives and we shouldn’t be losing jobs or getting less privileges in school because of them.
Due to all of the immigrants coming here people are losing their jobs and schools are becoming overcrowded because immigrants pop out babies like there’s no tomorrow. Some of the parents I see neglect their children and its sad to see. Why have kids if you don’t know how to take care of them? Most of the time they cant even afford to have kids and they stay hungry, homeless and dirty.
When immigrants go out looking for jobs companies hire them because they think immigrants are easy to take advantage of. Since immigrants come looking for any job they only get paid a little bit and the companies keep most of the money. It is unfair but immigrants need the money and companies want the money.
In schools, for students that came from Mexico, they get to stay an extra year if they need it, but what about the students who were born here? We should be able to have those privileges like they do. Its not fair that us students have to automatically go to adult school or request an extra year when the immigrants get to have an extra year no doubt about it. They should have their own school or classes for them because I don’t think that they can keep up with the regular classes because they either don’t know any English or they can speak it but not well.
I don’t have anything against immigrants but I just think that they should be deported or make a more protected border so they wont come in. The way things are right now in the U.S. we hardly have jobs because of the budget cuts and people cant afford to lose their jobs because of bills to pay and families to take care of. If people in Mexico can't take care of themselves over there then they can’t keep up over here either.
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