Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Gary H.


Unauthorized immigrants who choose to stay and live illegally in the United States should be deported back to their homeland. Not to say they do not deserve an opportunity to become citizens because I feel some of them do. Any current and new immigrants should be given a deadline in which they are required to learn the native language, apply for a social security card, and the rest of the needs to become apart of a working class society. Any and all criminals should be deported as well. The United States is a land of slim opportunity where the race for work and citizenship is severely tight.

It seems that immigration rates today have sky rocketed leading to many down falls throughout the nation.  Such down falls are the economic recession, over crowded schools, healthcare issues, low wages and possibly more. The issue has grown and no solution has been effective enough to decrease the amount of immigrants coming into the country. 

1 comment:

  1. I personally think that unauthorized immigrants should be deported back to their home land. but the thing about learning the native language is where I got confuse because I believe that the native language is a death language.
