Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Worst Thing Parents Can Do

Amber T.

Worst Thing Parents Can Do
The worst thing parents can do their children is beat them. This happens quite frequently. Many children are even killed. My mom works at St. Francis Hospital and she has seen several cases where children are beaten by their parents. The worst she’s seen was a young girl around the age of 3 she was scalped, beaten, and bit by her father. The young girl died on her way to the hospital.
According research done by Dr. Vincent Ianneli more than 1.25 million or 1 in every 58 children in the U.S, were abused in 2006. Also, on average nearly 4 children die every day as a result of abuse from their parents. This is horrific every day that passes a child has just been killed. Many parents take their anger out on their children but there are other ways to relieve stress instead of beating children.
             Children are unable to understand why they are being abused. On counseling.com C.J. Newton says, “…child abuse where the victim and the perpetrator interact constantly, the person will be sent through a psychological maze of smoke and mirrors leading to any number of bizarre ideas about how to avoid the attack…” He also says that children develop social problems from abuse. Children later in life are scared to try new things and never exercise their mind. This keeps children from reaching their full potential. Also, many children even commit suicide

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