Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Attitude and Behavior During C.S.T.

Veronica L
Per.3, English

My Attitude and Behavior During C.S.T.

     The C.S.T. test is taken every year to determine how much you remember and learned from the past years. This test shows the effort I gave in it and why I got that score on it.
     During C.S.T testing, I believe I gave about 85% on the test. I tried my best to concentrate and give it 100% but there were things that prevented me from giving all my effort. I went in sleepy and on an empty stomach. Even though I was like this, I still tried my best but there were many things that were distracting me. Many people kept making noises that were getting me irritated and very annoyed. Other people were opening rappers and chewing. I wasn’t able to really concentrate when people were doing those sorts of noises around me.
       In the end I feel good about the effort I gave on this test. I believe that even after all the distractions around me, I did well. On the C.S.T test I got proficient on the English section. I tried to give it my all but even with the distractions I am proud of what I got. Next time I take another test like that, I will try and ignore everything around me and just concentrate on the test. I have to also study more for this type of test because these scores stay with us.
   In conclusion, us Hispanics and many other ethnic groups are believed to be dumb and not concentrate on testing. They don’t take us seriously when it comes to taking tests and other important stuff. Us as Hispanics need to show people that we can do good in these tests and are not dumb, as people believe.

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