Thursday, June 7, 2012

Two Ways to See King St.

Richard F
Period 1.
King Ave.

Everyday I wake up to go to school, through the same bullshit ass street. And what really pisses me off is that I have to walk with my annoying friend Buckley. He’s always at my house like 24/7. Omg how he agitates me a lot. He gets to my core like nobody else. We walk down the street and there’s usually a group of people that are getting high. Bunch of dumbasses throwing their lives away with one simple little action. What’s really funny is that I usually wake up early, but I leave my house all late. When I leave there’s always a lady that lives in front of my house watering her lawn, she’s very nice. She often waves and says good morning. I see the same dogs, a black one, who knows what breed, and a white husky named shadow. I see the same people that I’ve been knowing since I moved here, but we hardly talk anymore. Since I’m always running late, I listen to music and walk to the beat of the drums, I leave like at 7:20 and arrive to school at 7:26. That’s like a record for me. Fuck it YOLO. Oh how I hate the fact that people walk so god dam slow.
            Now coming back is a different story, well sort of. Buckley still follows me home, which is pretty much a bummer. It’s usually more deserted, depending what time it is. I usually go home like at 5:00 and there’s nobody around, it’s so lonely. I look around and see an endless number of cats, I feel the breeze push against my skin, the sky looks a peaceful blue. What a good day I say to myself, but it only takes one thing to ruin it. My neighbor who lives in front of me appears, and fuck man he’s so freaken annoying. He’s always playing with a ball and he expects me to play with him. I never do because he can’t throw for shit, or kick the stupid ball. Other than that king is a pretty dope street, cuz Jim’s is right around the corner.

            So King Ave. is a pretty decent street. It has it’s days with it’s ups and downs. Despite everything that go’s on with the people that are in it, it still manages to be very nice. The road is nice and paved, and the houses look well presented. Friendly people fill the street, except for those old grumpy ones. Animals are also present, dogs and cat’s, and a lot of pigeons and if your lucky enough, you’ll see some doves that got loose and roam around the street. There’s also those young and reckless kids that cruise on by in their stupid fixie bikes, and then there’s those that play sports. Some crazy drivers pass by every now and then too. But in the end this street manages to be very bearable.

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