Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Grandfather’s Remarkable Life

Joanna H
Period 2
English 11A
                                                         My Grandfather’s Remarkable Life

                                                            My Grandfather’s Remarkable Life
Along with numerous nomadic tribes people, two main indigenous groups existed in Argentina before the European arrival. In the northwest, near Bolivia and the Andes, was a people known as the Diaguita, while further south and to the east were the Guarani. Together the Diaguita and the Guarani constitute the origins of permanent agricultural civilization in Argentina, both developing the cultivation of maize. The Diaguita are also remembered for having successfully prevented the powerful Inca from expanding their empire into Argentina from what is now Bolivia. Why do I talk about Argentine history you may ask? Well it’s simple, my Grandfather is one of those little boys that were forced to immigrate into a different country because of what their Leaders were known for, “The Nazis.” Yes my grandfather is German. He immigrated to Argentina when he was just 10 years old in the year of 1942. My Grandfather has told me that he wasn’t aware of why he was moving into a different country with a different language, if everything seemed to be okay with his dad’s job (who happened to have a partnership with the Jews). But of course he was just 10-years of age, what could a 10 year old possibly to in such a critical time as that? He decided to just keep quiet and go along with his father’s decision of moving into the country of Argentina.
         My grandfather’s dad put him in this really prestigious school there in Argentina that promised to show my grandpa the perfect Argentine Spanish language and help him discover any talents he might have deep inside of him. That’s when things started to get really good according to my grandfather. He had already 10 years living in Argentina, Buenos Aires, he was 2O years old and was very already very fluent with the Spanish Language. He always been very bright and quick to learn, and from the privilege I’ve had to have conversations with him, I promise you he has the perfect brain intelligence to join the NASA, NO Kidding. Okay back to the topic, during his stay there in Argentina, he noticed that every time he heard happy music play, he found himself dancing along to what the beat made him feel. He says that Argentina is a Beautiful place in which music is Literally always playing music in most the places you visit. So of course you could imagine him always so very Jolly when it came down to hearing music play. He got to the point in which he’d dance in front of unknown public && simply danced his heart out, it was as if it was a new language all Over again && he wanted to explore the wonders of it. He didn’t know much about the art of dancing, but from all that passion people saw in him every day for music, one day he decided to find a professional school in which he’d be taught absolutely everything there was to know about dancing.
         He found the school he was longing to be in. Although he wasn’t yet well known in much places, he was way more than Happy to be on the Pursuit of His very own Happiness. After a few years, he was well known as a professional dancer there in Argentina. He was a four time straight Champion in the beautiful dancing industry, until one day his life took an interesting turn. He says it was a Beautiful sunny day with a couple of clouds, blue sky, and a fresh breeze he was able to feel through his shoulders. He was practicing his new choreography before the class he was teaching started, when out of the blue a Beautifully elegant lady asks him if he taught dancing, she apparently wanted to learn how to dance as a surprise for her upcoming wedding with a general from the country. My grandfather was just so stunned by her beauty and delicacy, that he was simply speechless when she was finished talking. He says both him and he were aware that she was engaged to be married, but deep inside they both new that the instant their eyes met, something in the air just clicked. My grandfather describes it as something supernatural that no human but God has access to define, he says it just felt right. That lady’s name was Dina and as soon as she realized she felt something different for a man who she’d barely met and wasn’t her fiancé, she immediately changed her gorgeous Orchid smile in to a strict women’s straight face. My grandfather decided to accept her as a student there in his school without a cost, he was delighted/honored to be a teacher to one of the most Beautiful women he’d ever seen there in Argentina, “Bellissima” according to one of my grandfather’s favorite phrases. My grandfather says Dina was pretty tough to work with because she didn’t want to admit something she was beginning to feel towards my grandfather. Dina was taught well by her parents to be true to her commitments; but to her it was just inevitable to stop feeling happy, full of life, and free when she was around my Grandfather. Dina had practiced with my grandfather Federico for weeks and the what they feared the most, happened, they had “accidently” fallen in Love.
Dina was just 3 days away from her prestigious wedding of the year, 3 days! And she was just depressed because she had no idea what she was going to decide; she knew she had a Huge commitment she couldn’t just break, but she also knew she had a heart that was BEGGING her to pay attention to it. She was in such big pain for what she had to decide, but she thought it was the best decision. My grandfather loved Dina so much, that with a slight sound of his heart breaking, to make it easier for her, he suggested that she went on and fulfilled her commitment with her soon to be husband. She was probably waiting for my grandfather to ask her to not do it, to stay, that there was another way to make things right and still be happy! But the reality was another, that she was already engaged and had to do what she had to do. My grandfather says she was so much in pain, that on her way home, she couldn’t think straight, she wasn’t watching both sides of the rode and as inevitable as it was, she was hit by a car and immediately taken to the hospital. Both my grandfather and her fiancé were notified of this horrible incident.
That night was one of the most devastating nights any one could ever have, Dina was in Intensive Care for 3 days and entered a stage of comma. My grandfather never told Dina’s fiancé that he was in Love with her, he simply said with a Devastating pain in his heart that he was part of a surprise she was making for him and that he grew a huge brother to sister affection for her and that, that was the reason why he was suffering to her that way. Her supposed fiancé who claimed to be strongly in Love with her couldn’t stand being in that hospital after a month and just cowardly called it quits with Dina and ran away. My grandfather knew about this and tells me that every time he’d see her every single day and sometimes even fall asleep in the same room as her, then he’d go in the chapel the hospital had, and cried his heart out to God, blaming himself for what Dina was going through once and over again. He then noticed that all that was doing was making matters worse. 3 weeks after he decided to go back to the chapel and act different; and instead of saying vulnerabilities as he always did, he made a promise to God, that if she woke up miraculously, that he’d give his dreams up to watch over her, to care for her, to be patient, and to simply Love her for the rest of his life.
Miraculously Dina woke up from her comma after 2 months of no responses, and my grandfather couldn’t wait to see her. He was just really anxious to see her, he bought her flowers and a special letter he’d made for her every day. And just as he entered the room, Dina’s ex fiancé was inside there with her, acting like what he did never happened. Flawlessly and hypocritically telling Dina that he missed her so much and couldn’t believe she was finally awake. Dina was confused at first because something deep inside her made her feel some type of rejection towards her fiancé. She wasn’t sure why but she decided to confess to him that she didn’t Love him, that she needed time to think. He was obviously unhappy with what she decided, and only ignorantly insulted her as though he were a 10 year old child that was angry at the fact that things didn’t go his way. Instead of insulting him back, she called it completely off with him and had ordered him to leave and never come back (that was the last time she saw him). My grandfather presence this happening with lots of joy and happily kicked him out of the hospital with other security guards. Three days later Dina was able to go home. My grandfather and Dina dated for a few months more until the day my grandfather popped the question and was then engaged to Dina. Dina was so beyond thankful for the second chance God had given her at life, that she became sign language teacher. Words couldn’t explain how Amazingly happy she was to marry the True Love of her life, she just was. For her wedding she decided to dance that special dance she had prepared a while back, made it better and much more special for her wedding with my grandfather. Marrying my grandfather Federico Poplowski is what made Dina Lopilato, my Beautiful Grandmother up to this day.
Buenos Aires Argentina
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