Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Double voicing about Bell High School

Magali M.

Double voicing about Bell High School

       Bell High school sucks, I mean theirs many people that say, “Bell is the best school” but seriously Bell is going broke we don’t have money for field trips and the sport teams barely have money for their own uniforms. Bell it’s an ugly old place with teachers that don’t even know how to teach.  Instead of teaching they just sit down in their chairs and stare at their computer doing I don’t know what, probably just chatting with someone, or other teachers just stand in front of the class talking and the students are just asleep, chatting, giggling, hearing music, texting, and the teachers don’t do anything about it.
Elizabeth’s point of view
       Being new student in Bell High School is the worst thing ever. Students don’t even talk to you they just stare at you without saying anything. The teachers don’t even know how to teach, when they are talking in front of the class is like they are talking to the walls because the students are doing their own stuff.  And don’t get me started with the food; Bell H.S has the nastiest food in the world. I think the cafeteria ladies make experiments with the food. I just look at the food and it makes me sick. But the food is not the worst things in Bell H.S; the restrooms are the dirtiest place in school. They stink and it seems like there’s no one to work for cleaning the restrooms.  

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