Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Attitude and Behavior During C.S.Ts

Denise U
Nov. 7.12
Per 5

My Attitude and Behavior During C.S.Ts

     I was as confident as ever. I had a feeling I was going to pass it with it with a good grade.  I thought it was going to be like every other year, really easy. But as I started it I realized it wasn’t as easy anymore. I hate the fact that I went in with a positive attitude and came out disappointed. As the test went on I got to admit I was not caring about it as much as I did in the beginning.
     I put in like 60% into the test out of 100%. It was probably because there were distractions and I get easily distracted. That as always had been a major problem for me. Later I recognized I should have put more effort into it. I truly regret not doing it.
     I didn’t put all my effort in the testing because I thought it wasn’t going to matter as much as it did. I kind just blew the thing of. If I would have know it was going to be a big part of my academics I would have gave it 100%. I also didn’t give it my all mostly because I got distracted a lot.
     Truth is I’m not very proud of myself. I wish I could have put more effort on it than the effort I put in it. The main reason why I feel bad is because I’m sure it looks bad academically. If I would have know it was going to affect me like that I would have put all my effort into it and that I would have tried my best not to get distracted.
     Next time I’m going to concentrate very much, because I’ve found out with a bad consequence, that the tests do count.  I regret the fact that I didn’t give it my all. I should have put all my effort on it, the fact that I didn’t take it serious makes me feel bad.

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