Monday, June 18, 2012

Eating Disorder

Alejandra R                   
Period 4 English
June 7, 2012

Eating Disorder

     Something that has been an issue for centuries is eating disorder. It is more common in a female than males because a woman is most likely to have a low self-esteem. Many women have this mentality that being skinny is elegant. Therefore, they have a certain way a girl wants to look. There are many reasons to fall into an eating disorder and it is really hard to recover from that, but not impossible.
     One common reason to fall into an eating disorder is stress. You let a lot of things get to you like relationship problems or school, and eventually you fall into a bad-eating schedule because your mind is full of too many things and you forget to eat until eventually you end up having an unhealthy snack.
     Audrey Hepburn was famous actress known for being extremely skinny, beautiful, and supposedly healthy. She made a lot of people look up to her because of her body type. At that time having a curvy nice body like Merlyn Monroe was crowd-pleasing. Little did people know that Audrey Hepburn was fighting an eating disorder because she was pressured to be a role model to thin women and no one knew this until after her death.
     Going through this sickness you need help so, for that reason talking about it is the start for a healthy future. If you’re a teenager like me talking to a counselor really helps they will guide you depending on your form of eating disorder. You just need to think about your health and remember that being skinny is not as important as being healthy.

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